Disney Animated Goofy & Pluto Christmas Tree Santa's Best Vintage

Disney Animated Goofy & Pluto Christmas Tree Santa's Best Vintage
Disney Animated Goofy & Pluto Christmas Tree Santa's Best Vintage
Disney Animated Goofy & Pluto Christmas Tree Santa's Best Vintage
Disney Animated Goofy & Pluto Christmas Tree Santa's Best Vintage
Disney Animated Goofy & Pluto Christmas Tree Santa's Best Vintage

Disney Animated Goofy & Pluto Christmas Tree Santa's Best Vintage
Decoration is in acceptable condition. There are a few things broken, but it turns on and goofy does work the ladder. Pluto's neck has some issues and Goofy's neck is broken.

The support that Goofy's box attaches to also has some damage.

Disney Animated Goofy & Pluto Christmas Tree Santa's Best Vintage

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